About Us
What to Expect
Who We Are
Next Steps
Online Service
What We Believe
We affirm as fundamental Christian doctrines:
A belief in one God who exists in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The incarnation and virgin birth of Christ.
That Christ was fully God and fully man, lived a sinless life, and gave his life as an atonement for sins.
That He rose from the grave, ascended into heaven, and will come again.
We believe that all persons are sinful and separated by God because of sin.
We believe and proclaim that God offers forgiveness to all who will turn to him in faith.
We believe that salvation is the work of God – by grace, through faith.
Points of Emphasis for 2025:
Love of Scripture:
Our desire is for…..
Each person to have a stronger baseline knowledge of God’s word
Each person to have a strong memory of at least 3 verses of scripture by the end of the year
Each person to have the opportunity to learn how to defend opposition to the word of God
Each person to have a better sense of what they believe and why
Each person to know where to find comfort and strength from God’s word
Practical steps for getting there:
Verse of the month: Read together and led by a different person from the church each week during service
Saturday morning workshops
How to study the Bible
Walk through the Bible or Bible 101
Defending the Old Testament
Defending the New Testament
Knowing where to read when I feel…..
Open invitation to share from stage what God has been teaching you through your Quiet time
Bible reading plans on the Oak Creek Bible App page
Special series of sermons designed to help the bible come to life
Summer Adult Bible study
Community Outreach:
Our desire is to…..
Make sure our neighborhood and community know that we are here and we care!
Build strong relationships with strategic partners in our neighborhood!
Help meet needs for and connect with people of all ages and backgrounds!
See partnerships and connections that are made lead to new guests checking out Oak Creek!
Practical Steps for getting there:
Getting involved in practical, needed, and easily executed ways with strategic neighborhood partners including but not limited to
Penelope 60 Apartments
Bieger Elementary or another local school
The One Roof Community Center and partners
Advertising and Extending invites for church fellowship events in these settings when available and appropriate
Give personal invites for services and events to neighbors
Continue to build connections between our teens and teens who play basketball in our parking lot
About Us
What to Expect
Who We Are
Next Steps
Online Service